Thursday, October 23, 2008

Greek and Hebrew on the iPod Touch!

A new beta of Olive Tree Software's Bible Reader was released with the NA27 and BHS loaded on it. Both texts have bugs. In fact, the NA27 is barely functional (more importantly for me, the BHS works fine). However, I'm still thrilled to see the first steps being taken towards a fully functional Hebrew and Greek text on the iPod.

Here are some pictures of the BHS and NA27:

As you can see, both the Hebrew and Greek fonts are very clear and easy to read. The font sizes are adjustable and the texts work in landscape mode, so if you like really large fonts, you won't get stuck with 1 or 2 words per line.

With the addition of the BHS and NA27, as limited as the functionality currently is (no search/morphology yet), Bible Reader nevertheless warrants a place on my dock bar since I plan on using it quite a bit.

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