Rick Mansfield has some information, including photos, on a new edition of the TNIV Reference (see also this earlier post by TC Robinson). The basic difference appears to be an extra ribbon marker, and a premium leather cover for the MSRP of $99 and is due out this November.
I'm not a huge fan of the TNIV translation, and since I already own the original TNIV Reference and am generally happy with it, I doubt I'll splurge for this deluxe edition; though if the reviews rave about how supple the leather is, I may break down.
Addendum: Here's a link to Zondervan's page detailing information about this edition. It states that the release date is this December.
Addendum II: Amazon has it available for pre-order at a price of $62.99. For that price, I really might go for it. I'll still wait for some reviews to come in though.
Addendum III: Rick at This Lamp is teaming up with Zondervan to give away 10 of these deluxe editions. It's only available to gatekeepers (pastors and teachers) in the USA who use the TNIV as their main translation. That rules me out on all three counts.
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